
3 Groups Of People


Accompanied dear to SIM today to settle his university adminstration stuff. LOL~ we felt totally awkward and out of place as we sauntered pass the walls of SIM - like noobs. That aside, I noticed that there were 3 distinct groups of people.

1. Super geeks - wearing berms, slippers, total slip shot.

2. Super bimbos - wearing clubbing outfits, trying to flaunt things that they don't really have (hmm I wonder if they even sleep after their sessions of fun and clubbing.. still a mystery to me)

3. Super noobs trying to make a fashion statement which apparently turns out to be a fashion catastrophe (c'mon the attention that you are getting is not of a 'wow' but rather 'what?')

Anyway the rest of the supposedly average people are a rare gem. Dear you are one them. Keep it that way. And you have been really sweet recently!

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