
Happy New Year 2007!



Went to Lion City Hotel for a High Tea treat from Alex for those who helped out in The Light Moment way or another. Food was not bad, but fellowship was good :) We then made our way to Parkway Parade to galivant and catch up with the Post Christmas Sale. AHA! We spend almost like 3-4 hours walking through each shop and finally landed in the arcade to loosen ourselves and grab hold of some childhood fun. LOL many of us went our own ways and played our own choice of games while I enjoyed being a spectator HAHA. Anyhow, dear and Jeremy finally decided to toss their remaining credits on a machine ( you know those kind where you have to use the hammer and slam to see whether you reach the high score?) And HAHA didn't know that my man was strong enough to hit the high score. WOW!

After the sudden realization that it was getting late, we decided to head home. LOL guess what, just imagine the scenario where 5 people are squeezed at the back of a Hyundai Getz? HA thank God we are all slim people x)

Went to church on sunday for the usual services, went for lunch and decided to play some pool to kill time. Man I hereby declare that I have no pool genes. Sighh I am a sucker.
Rushed back to church after that for Watchnight Practice with the youth band. When it finally ended, we only had enough time to eat dinner before watchnight service officially started. So indeed basically sunday was filled with programs lined one after the other. Well at least the countdown was good! HAHA oh and my two rascal cousins came to stay over. By the time we took turns to bathe, settled down and get a shuteye, it was almost 3 am. Yawn

So this morning all of us slept our fill except for my cousins who woke up so early and started disturbing me :( I guess they must be pretty much excited with the FUN they were expecting to have at my place HA. Anyway it was funny to see my cousin Apphia walking my dog. A skinny girl walking a big dog HAHA. Well my male cousin Rufus was hogging my laptop and playing The Spongebob Squarepants Game. We finally bid goodbye to them when my parents send them back in the noon, as I got ready and left to meet dear. Oh what a day
(Sorry for the very 'informative' entries, trying to keep things less narrative heh)

Lol that's Aphhia and Dexter


My dearest bassist

Reach our for Jesus

More random shots of beloved PATRICK the starfish:

Can you actually believe that there are such toys!?

Apphia and I on Christmas Day


Sleep somemore.

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