
Valentines Day 2007


Valentine's Day was just another ordinary day.

When I was younger, I fancied Valentine's day as a special day with all the red hearts, roses, chocolates, little presents, sweet talk and cheeky surprises. Indeed I had that from boys who had crushes on me when I was growing up. But strangely growing a little bit older, I felt that valentine's day was just another day where couples DO MAKE TIME to get nice and courteous, where girls finally get presents from their counterparts other than the 2 other times in a year
(the girl's birthday and anniversaries), where guys HAVE to do something 'romantic' just for the day.. and the list goes on. I guess speaking from a girl who has a long and steady relationship, valentine's day can be everytime when a couple spends quality time together.

At least that's sweet enough for me :)

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