
Just Let Me Cry


It's painful to be reminded of how lousy my grades are, it's painful to hear the truth, it's painful to even reconcile, it's so painful I cried. I cried so much.

It's not that I don't want to try to make an effort to push my choices for university. I want to, but part of my has given up on myself, the other part has ran away and hid in a cave. My future so bleak, my footsteps so shaky, I'm scared Lord. I'm hurting, I'm broken, give me faith enough to be strong in broken areas. I need You before I fall :(

I know you care for me dear, I know it had to be you to tell me the truth despite knowing it'll be painful. I know you love me to tell me all these so that I can make wise decisions regarding my university application. But before I do the necessary, please let me cry it out. So many things I've got to let go before I can move on. My feet is heavy, I'm dragging myself. I just want to cry for now :(

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