Church camp 2007 was hellaluva fun! Well I do admit that throughout the camp I was just mentally pushing my limits and trying to psycho my body to move it and chiong. But I'm glad that everything went out well. Thanks to my super duper hyped up funny crazy competitive team.. GIDEON! *applause* Seriously, this is the best team to be in, even though everyone looked so noob at first glances. HAHA but we completely threw everyone off dudes! Thinking of all those Gideon team times we had just makes me smile :)
Day one was crap. We lagged behind our estimated time by hours, thanks to the idiotic jam on the bridge between Singapore and Malaysia's causeway. Can you imagine?! We actually spent like 1 hour plus on the bridge, waiting in the bus doing nothing but looking at cars wheezing us past and buses lined back to back where our lane was. That was the most excruciating 1 hour of my life :( Anyway we managed to reach the hotel and immediately started off with Camp Orientation, briefing and some general administration stuff. After having programs lined up back to back, I finally got a shuteye at 12 plus.

Day two was super physically exhausting and.. gross. Partly because I wasn't feeling well. BUT.. I really did enjoy the games despite my physical fatigue. HAHA eating those cacoons and not to mention swallowing the bread glazed with concentrated honey. Ewww.. the honey bread seriously made me grossed out. But I really really really from the bottom of my heart enjoyed the rest of the games HAHA :)

Day three was a little better, though we still didn't really get to have our own time due to some last minute church level arrangements such as.. SHOPPING!!~ I bought my medium sized patrick plushie that now almost accompanies me everywhere I go. Oh! Did I mention that it is very very comfortable if you put use as a pillow?! Heh sorry darling, looks like Patrick Cushie has taken over your shoulder :) Ahem! We also had our annual must-have TALENTIME! *applause* Every team was good, cos we really had a good time of acting, laughing, fellowship and sharing. Well as we all know last nights are always marathon nights where typical young people will just do their thing and not sleep. But thought my spirit is willing, my flesh is weak :( So I headed right off to bed.

Day four was nostalgic. We didn't want to say goodbye yet :( But oh well, we had to go :(
The youths gathered around and took millions and zillions of photos, making our noise and doing our encore cheers. Goodbye DRAY 2007 :(

Just like that, 4 days and 3 nights subtly wheezed by and I'm found back in Singapore, back on my office desk.
Oh man, I miss Team Gideon already. Samuel and I will be found on the floor rolling with laughter at Marcus cheer-leading moves, Yupo who has been our great and respectable leader, Ken aka Pigsy, Ivin aka Bugs Bunny (our cute mascot), Rachel and her "huh..*smile*" aka my roomie, Adora aka Female Pigsy and her seductive moves and superb acting that won her "Best Actress" award! Oh team Gideon, you guys rock!
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