PMS has been characterized by more than 150 symptoms, ranging from mood swings to weight gain to acne. The symptoms vary from woman to woman and cycle to cycle. For some women, the symptoms may be mild or moderate, and for others, they may be so severe as to be incapacitating.
Common symptoms include the following:
- Mood related symptoms: depression, sadness, anxiety, anger, irritability, frequent and severe mood swings
- Mental related symptoms: decreased concentration, indecision pain, headache (menstrual migraine), breast tenderness, joint and muscle pain
- Nervous system symptoms: insomia, hypersomia, anorexia, food cravings, lethary, fatigue, agitation, change in sex drive, clumsiness, dizziness or vertigo, paresthesia (prickling or tingling sensation)
- Gastrointestinal symptoms: nausea, diarrhoea
- Fluid and electrolyte symptoms: bloating, weight gain, reduced urination, palpitations (rapid fluttering of the heart), sweating
- Skin symptoms: acne, oily skin, greasy or dry hair
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