
Screwed Up


Today went pretty normal until evening, where things started screwing up. Not on me, rather - on things around me.

Went to Bugis to get something after work and soon after, I decided to go home as I was kinda tired. However as I was waiting at Bugis platform for the train, all I see is crowds of people around, some grumbling, some displaying displeasure in their faces. Just when I tried to figure out what went wrong, the anouncement cackled over the speakers " There is a disruption between Tampines and Pasir Ris Stations for both directions. There might be a delay of 40 mins..." The voice thrilled off over the speakers as I turned my head to see people hopping on the escalators to get out of the station. So the impatient me decided to follow suit and take a bus to the east.

I almost died on the bus. People were squeezing like sardines packed in a can. Thankfully I managed to get a seat. But the air seemed heavy and thin, I wished for an oxygen mask back then.

The bus stopped at Bedok and before I wanted to make another grave mistake by taking another bus home, I saw people streaming back into Bedok MRT and I figured that the trains would have started working by now. So off I went, and true enough, the trains worked.

But as I reached Tampines, the other half of the platform was evacuated and police were around, doing their stuff. Being kaypoh singaporeans, we all crowded around to see what happened. I guess, someone died because the police were carrying a stretcher that was covered. I wonder ..

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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