For the first time in my life, I am at a total lost of what to buy for dear's birthday. Though many times he has already told me not to buy anything cos birthdays to him (or most guys) is just another passing day of his life. But of course, I would still get presents and do stuff like most girlfriends would :)
But this time round, I'm seriously blanked out. It's as if my brains stop excreting creative juices or the database in my head registers total blank pages. It's not that I don't know what he wants, he has a long list of things-I-want-to-get-but-costs-a-bomb items that he frequently rants about, but as I've said, they cost a bomb. Two bombs maybe. So let me just think harder.
Guys and girls perspectives are really so different huh. Birthdays are certainly not passing days in a girl's opinion. In fact, they expect presents, maybe a cake, but most of the time, just a simple celebration to acknowledge that oh no! They are just a year older. Yes such are girls, who see the importance in the little details, who enjoy the nitty gritty things in life. Birthdays are a form of celebration, a mark of their lives, something special. So boyfriends, please do something about it.
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