For the last two days, I was a drama queen, an emotional creature, one who cried her eyes to near blindness.
Things are resolved, and looking back, I heave a sigh of relief. Indeed things were rough, like an explosive concoction gone wrong, like a timebomb thats waiting to go off anytime soon. Loads of assumptions, cold wars especially. But through it all, we still kept it going, we wanted to keep things going, and I thank God that the storm is over, the sun if finally out.
I was taught many precious lessons despite my obstinate mind raging a defensive fight. Ultimately, I am not always right somehow, and I will not always have my way. I always thought that it was a girl's perogative to be emotional and have the upper hand, that talking would be the way to settle things on the spot (because I hate dragging things and feeling miserable in the midst of waiting for the dust to settle). However I didn't think of how my emotions would affect others and what others would think. Time and time again, I couldn't control myself and had to choose the wrong time to talk about things.
God, why am I always stuck with this situation? :(
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