I don't know what's gotten into me. The lazy bug, the fatigue wave, and the intermittent cramps/indigestion. Surprisingly, nothing seems to be done as I willingly succumb myself to the waves of fatigues; slowly but subtly letting my energy drain from away from my body. 7 hours of sleep seems inadequate, yet I don't see the rationale of sleeping as early as before 11pm because it seems like time is just lost in sleep. I'd rather do something else like watching the telly or surf the net.
Such is life, a never-ending vicious cycle we go through each day.
Any how, wanna thank Vannie for shaking some sense in me. Emo is no good seriously, but it seems to run in the genes of most females. For me, poor eL has to suffer both emo and pms. Lucky thing he has his way of working around it hah. But truly, emo-ing is just another way the devil use to manifest his lies and schemes in our vulnerable minds. That's why we need to be our brother/sister's keeper. Cause many of us are actually suffering beneath our smiles, tolerating beneath our services in ministry, holding back these thoughts and feelings and yet going through the motion in life. I was that person, I didn't relish in talking about it, or wanting people to probe. But it only takes the right time, the right person to step in and shake some sense or give a slap or truth before I sink deeper and deeper into despair and depression. Yes, I thank God for my sisters who have been watching over me, keeping my foothold and my walk with God right. And thankfully, it is always the sisters that somehow have the ability to speak sense and truth in gentleness. That's all I need at that moment of time, not some lecture or nagging session. So here am I, the survivor of yet another emo war. Thank God I survived.
Anyways I just can't wait for church camp. I hope this round, I can enjoy my fair share of relaxation above all the fun and games. I need a getaway! *garrgjhgjh*
Someone (you know who you are if you are reading this lol) once asked me:"Grace, do you believe that God specially created a special someone for you to be with?"
"Yes," I replied without a doubt.
"No, I don't think so. Cos all it takes is for 1 person to screw up by marrying the wrong person and the rest of the marriages will all be haywire."
I then ask eL the same question and he agreed with me that he believes that God created a special someone for him. *blush* and I asked him why was he so sure. He replied:"It only needed adam and eve to make one mistake and look at us now. God created a special someone for us because He wants to give us the best. That's why in marriages in the vows it says 'God has preordained this.." because your partner is part of God's plan. Assuming if we don't follow God's plan, we choose our partners in our own strength and wisdom, we will be choosing the second best from what God has originally planned for us. But God will still allow it to happen, just that probably you will be living second best choices all your life. God is only one way, that's why there is alone one person that He has planned for you. "
Wow. I still remembered what I prayed for when I cried myself to sleep the night I broke up with _______. And thankfully yet surprisingly, he answered all my prayers :)
Such is life, a never-ending vicious cycle we go through each day.
Any how, wanna thank Vannie for shaking some sense in me. Emo is no good seriously, but it seems to run in the genes of most females. For me, poor eL has to suffer both emo and pms. Lucky thing he has his way of working around it hah. But truly, emo-ing is just another way the devil use to manifest his lies and schemes in our vulnerable minds. That's why we need to be our brother/sister's keeper. Cause many of us are actually suffering beneath our smiles, tolerating beneath our services in ministry, holding back these thoughts and feelings and yet going through the motion in life. I was that person, I didn't relish in talking about it, or wanting people to probe. But it only takes the right time, the right person to step in and shake some sense or give a slap or truth before I sink deeper and deeper into despair and depression. Yes, I thank God for my sisters who have been watching over me, keeping my foothold and my walk with God right. And thankfully, it is always the sisters that somehow have the ability to speak sense and truth in gentleness. That's all I need at that moment of time, not some lecture or nagging session. So here am I, the survivor of yet another emo war. Thank God I survived.
Anyways I just can't wait for church camp. I hope this round, I can enjoy my fair share of relaxation above all the fun and games. I need a getaway! *garrgjhgjh*
Someone (you know who you are if you are reading this lol) once asked me:"Grace, do you believe that God specially created a special someone for you to be with?"
"Yes," I replied without a doubt.
"No, I don't think so. Cos all it takes is for 1 person to screw up by marrying the wrong person and the rest of the marriages will all be haywire."
I then ask eL the same question and he agreed with me that he believes that God created a special someone for him. *blush* and I asked him why was he so sure. He replied:"It only needed adam and eve to make one mistake and look at us now. God created a special someone for us because He wants to give us the best. That's why in marriages in the vows it says 'God has preordained this.." because your partner is part of God's plan. Assuming if we don't follow God's plan, we choose our partners in our own strength and wisdom, we will be choosing the second best from what God has originally planned for us. But God will still allow it to happen, just that probably you will be living second best choices all your life. God is only one way, that's why there is alone one person that He has planned for you. "
Wow. I still remembered what I prayed for when I cried myself to sleep the night I broke up with _______. And thankfully yet surprisingly, he answered all my prayers :)
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