
Subway Scene


There's a reason why people say that mothers are the most noble people on earth, I couldn't agree more, especially after what mom did for me on Friday. I had my usual cramps (time of the month) and I realised that I didn't bring my painkillers. (By the way for those who think Ponstan is strong, it used to work for me but now I'm using melox) Thankfully mom decided to pass me my meds during lunch hour, and that seriously touched my heart. She could dispense with all the inconvenience but she still came through for me. Awwwh.. anyway it's mom's birthday tomorrow, Happy Birthday Mom!

A bunch of us headed off to Suntec for dinner after youth service. Liji decided to use my crappy camera (in comparison with his equipment) to take some quick shots. Well, a skill will always be a skill. He managed to take a stunning food shot (right) despite using my 'crappy' camera. Ha!

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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