I really enjoy midnight supper treats at our favourite hangout - Changi Airport Terminal 3! Even though dear and I have been there like a million times, we still enjoy the repeated cycle of eating and talking. Thanks darl for coming over ever so often!

Bike fixing
Other than all the eating, talking, bike viewing, random pictures and funny faces, we often talk of how it would be like if I became an air stewardess one day. Yeah you heard me right - Air Stewardess!
Weston:" What! Are you sure?! I can't imagine you serving people.."
Haha you mean I have a fierce look? Yes, no, maybe but the point is, I've always wanted to be an Air Stewardess since I was young. Though I admit in my growing up, I wanted to be other roles (let's not talk about that hee hee) but now, I'm back to this childhood dream. My colleague discouraged me saying "You'll surely break up with your boyfriend." Come on, 5 years and growing strong, will I really break up? Then, that's hard to say right?
For now, dreams are just castles in the air with no action, so that's just a thought (don't worry!) Interestingly, dear is supportive? (Pssst! Maybe he wants me far far away too) Haha! So that's for that! We'll see how it goes after my studies.
Oh! And thank you all readers for your smses and email regarding this blog, especially Kin Sun!
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