
Butter Durians


Dad surprised me by buying durians tonight! I really love durians - the taste, the smell, the creamy texture of the fruit, the bittersweetness ahhhh!~ Unfortunately, the price to pay would be the 'heatiness' and stinky breath. Oh heck! Durians don't come by everyday.

Sad to say, durian gatherings are the only time when my family get together and eat. Normal dinner times would be spend in our own rooms, with our eyes fixed on the telly. My brother doesn't fancy durians anyway, he isn't much of a fruit or 'greens' person.

Anyway, I'm here to introduce an ad that I happen to stumble upon, and that is Butter Durians! Ooh. This would be interesting, I wonder how it taste likes? You can head over their Butter Durians Website to order! They even deliver right up to your door step!

Hmmm, I was thinking we could order this for refreshments for Pacman? Hee hee!

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