The day after the camp, a group of us (Dear, Me, Andy, Daniel, Dan, Ivy, Uncle Mark, Brother Neo) went on a fishing trip and guess what, it was my first time!
You might have guessed it was those sorta fishing where by the catch is small and the experience is boring and probably not fruitful at all. But no way, we went out deep sea fishing!
We certainly had loads of fun and sunburnt, but the adrenaline rush from having your own catch is simply indescribable! Ha we caught loads of Garoupa and Sea Basses, and the rest of the fishes names I'm not so sure.
Unfortunately, my parents didn't want any of the fishes because they didn't like the hassle of de-scaling and cooking it. Dear's mom didn't want it either :( Hence we gave out alot of the fishes to the boatman and the rest of the group.
It was fun fun FUN! Looking forward to the next fishing trip! Heh :) The photos of the fishing trip is posted on my facebook albums, so do have a look!
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