
Grace's M.E.D Way


Ever since I stopped my Table Tennis training in 2006, I have been losing muscle mass steadily. Stress was and is one major factor as well, and now I'm way below the average healthy weight. And although I like my current physique, I know that I should put on a little more "healthy" baggage, or at least, more muscle mass. Hence I resolved to jog today! The torrents of perspiration the flowed from my head down, the surge of blood that gushed into my head, deep breaths, flushed face, and the throbbing heart in every part of your body - I enjoyed it!

Speaking of which, many ask me how to lose weight and I never fail to share with them 3 of the following methods:

No I'm don't mean strenuous exercise that cause your muscles to ache but rather, mundane movements that make you sweat it out! On days that I don't run, I do 30 to 40 sit ups, if not, I'll do about 20 jumping jacks. And on every other day, I brisk walk when I do my shopping, as well as run up 2 storeys of stairs from the 6th to the 8th floor because there isn't a lift landing in every floor. You might think "No way, those can't lose those flabs!' Yes I know they won't, but they keep your body toned. To really lose the kilos, you have got to..

Don't starve yourself or become bulimic. If hungry, just eat! Of course I'm not talking about snacking, I mean proper meals. If eating 1 or 2 full meals a day works for you without developing a gastric problem in the long run, then go ahead. If not, eat your 3 proper meals a day but keep the portions smaller. A good tip to make you eat less during proper meals is to eat a fruit first before your main course.

With regards to snacks, I would advise to binch on fruits, whole-meal bars, cereal or even a cup of Milo! Surely you can satisfy your cravings with a small bag of chips, an ice-cream, or fried food, but choose those with low if not no trans-fat at all! Why? Because trans-fat increases your LDL cholesterol levels while lowering the amount of beneficial HDL cholesterol levels in your body. Worse of all, trans-fat is really really hard to get rid of!

What I do when I get extremely hungry sometimes is to consume drinks that make you full! A classic example would be Soya bean milk, Milo or Cereal. This would normally help to curb your growls for a while before it's time to eat the real thing!

There you go! 3 simple ways to keep trim and healthy!
(Disclaimer: These methods are not scientific, and are based on personal experiences. There is no gurantee of results.)

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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