
Noble House 金玉满堂


This would be my best recommendation for a classy and traditional Chinese Restaurant - Noble House.

I had a chance to dine there because of a farewell lunch and man, the decor and ambiance blew me away as I entered the restaurant! You guys should check it out seriously, and bring money, lots of it!

It's hard to miss the traditional classic Chinese feel as you enter. With a mix decor of wood, cream walls that portray a close semblance to the old Chinese courtyard back in the old days, you literally feel as if you're walking down memory lane.

Being a fussypot, I didn't get to try most of the seafood but most of the dishes are served in a relatively small individual portions and are delicately garnished. Food isn't that great I must say, probably a 7.5 out of 10 but if you are an ambiance person, this would be the perfect place.

The staff are pretty courteous and smiley all the time. The only downside is that they converse mostly in Cantonese and Chinese so English people (or those who fail miserable in striking a proper conversation in Chinese) please brush up on your Mandarin first if not you'll probably end up with a different dish with what you have ordered.

Coming up, farewell lunch next thurs!

Special thanks to Jeremy for lending me his camera. A good camera really makes a difference!

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