


Often, watching movies such as The Notebook or 50 First Dates would I stir up questions full of anxiety. I think to myself "What if.. I had Alzheimer's Disease, would my husband still care for me? Would he still love me?" I even post this thought to dear and he merely shrugged. A scary thought, yet a possibility in the future. I guess the one that suffers most would be the spouse of a person who is a victim of Alzheimer's. Imagine the constant care, the unconditional love, the perseverance and endurance, probably even rejection! Just think about it, the person you once loved can never remember loving you, or remember the marriage, the life journey.. everything! I'll be devastated! Anyway, here's some facts about Alzheimer's:

What is Alzheimer's Disease?
It is a progressive, degenerative and fatal disease that attacks the brain. It gradually strips a person of mental and physical capabilities and renders them totally incapable of caring for themselves. Alzheimer's disease can affect anyone.

Causes and Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease:
The memory losses are a result of the death of brain cells and connectors between these brain cells. Symptoms include difficulty with memory, confusion, interference with routine work and social activities, language usage, impaired judgment, misplacing objects, mood swings and disorientation with regard to place and time. Every Alzheimer's patient exhibits universal symptoms, yet each patient has an individual pattern. Eventually, this disease process leaves patients with a total loss of ability to care for themselves.

Oh my! Time to indulge in some Chicken Essence and Pig Brains!

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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