
In All Aspects


Some recent updates of my disorientated life:

Come monday, I will no longer be working because the company has found someone that is able to commit full-time. Actually, I was there to help out in the interim period a colleague who has left and a new colleague to arrive. However, it seems to me as if it's God's will/intervention/plan because coincidentally, I have full days in school from Tuesday onwards. To top things up, my exams are about 2 weeks away. Oh my! Thank God He is still in control!

Upon receiving the results of my BAF (Business Accounting & Finance) test, I felt a little disappointed yet contented at the same time. Little mistakes were made here and there but because of the lack of time, I could not make further changes to my answers. Still, I thank God for a good grade, though things can always be BETTER. Enough said, I will study harder for my coming exam!

Oh dear, I've been terribly grouchy and snappy lately. Furthermore with sleep deprivation as well as the approaching "monthly-cycle", my whole body and mind feels like an impending catastrophe - some sort like a volcano waiting to erupt. Thankfully you guys haven't been able to see or feel the brunt of it yet, but poor dear.. ha! No worries, he's tough as a rock.

Currently waiting on God, resting in His hope, His assurance, drawing strength from Him, and being absolutely still.

There you go! My sincere apologies for boring you guys with such trivial details. I guess coffee, sleep, and anything sweet will do the trick for now.

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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