
Study Day: #1


This week is study week for me, but strangely, it seems so much more like a school holiday. Probably cause my lessons have been back to back (but still 9am - 12pm, or 2pm - 5pm or both) so the moment a study break is given to us, we naturally make use of it as much as possible.

Anyway I have been burying myself in books, and not just blogging. Haha! On tuesday, I met up with Gim Loon and Elmo (yup, his name is really Elmo), and we went to my favorite hangout in the East -  Changi Airport T3 to study. Being totally studious, we studied from 3 plus till 10 plus, before the guys decided that they both had to catch the last train and the last bus home.

Study kakis
Gim Loon entered in a flash!
I wonder who's calling?
Elmo's eyes fixated on his notes
In search of places to study
Nice, cosy, warm ambiance. Who can resist?
Gim Loon has to remind himself of what 5.5 means
The Coffee Connoisseur
Elmo thinking really hard. We're spoilt for choices!
Guys choosing their drinks
Menu at TCC
Fervant Tea
Business, accounting and finance

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