
Little Miss Fatigue


I must have rested too much in the past month that even going for one or two lessons a day would feel as if my life was a ballon slowly deflating away.

Or if not, I have been having activities every night this week that coming home would immediately make me want to plonk onto bed.

In addition, there is a Flu Bug going around and seriously, it doesn't help my already tired being.

Imagine some days I am wake up with a runny nose like a dripping tap, then go for lessons with perpetual headaches from excessively sneezing and blowing of my nose, then head down to whatever activity I have after school. Head home. Sleep. Repeat.

But this is just the mid-week. There's still Thursday, Friday and the weekends where activities are already lined up in my schedule. What a stark contrast this week has been as compared to last week, where life was slow paced because of my holidays.

Any how, it sure does feel like I'm going straight from gear 1 to gear 5. No wonder I kept yawning today :(

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