
Furry Friend


I've always liked being in the midst of nature, welcoming and observing the beauty of God's creation. Like that time when I stumbled upon a snail on my way home, or how I rescued a bird on a neighbourhood road - Golly! I really do enjoy nature!

However this time round, I didn't get to be part of this incident where dear came face to face with our furry friend - Mr Squirrel, at the back of church.

It's quite funny how he described to me this whole incident! He needed to get something from his bike and as he opened the door, standing out there was Mr Squirrel staring at him.

Immediately (as if he knew I would do exactly the same thing if he were me), he ran to my bag and grabbed my camera to take this shot with his new Furry Friend :)

Well, since he couldn't go near Mr Squirrel in fear that it would run away, dear took the shot rather far away and I cropped the photo; so bear with the grainy photos!

Unfortunately, Mr Squirrel was terrified by the presence of humans when Ken came closer to peer at Mr Squirrel :(

Oh well, at least I know that we do have a regular visitor at our church on Sunday! :D

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