
Revisiting A&W


The only time I can vaguely remember my last A&W meal was when my family and I were at the Train Station waiting to take a train from Singapore to Malaysia, and while waiting (or I think it was after we have came back from Malaysia), we decided to have A&W. Back then, I was just a kid.

After which A&W slowly started becoming endangered in Singapore, and finally - extinct.

Since then, I have been craving for their Ice Cream Waffles, their Curly Fries, their Root Beer Float - and oh dear, I almost thought that I never had a chance to try all that again because I had no idea that A&W existed in other places of the world.

Even if I knew the other places that had A&W, I would have to wait for decades later where supposedly I would already have my own vehicle, all the freedom I want, and zero accountability.

Anyway, I finally had my chance when dear brought me together with a group of close friends to satisfy my cravings at Bukit Indah.

Finally A&W! We have arrived!

Crispy Fries

Curly Fries

Coney dog. Someone recommended me this but I prefer my sausage a little softer.

The famous root bear!

Ice Cream Waffles with Strawberry Syrup! My favorite so far! :D

What to say, we were extremely satiated and satisfied!

Teehehe! Looking for the more A&W trips to come! :)

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