
Dear's Graduation


After 3 years of tertiary education in SIM, University of Wollongong, dear finally graduated! So together with his family, I attended his Graduation Ceremony today.

It was his big day, and you can his folks were definitely beaming with pride. I definitely was too! For dear, I guess it's a big burden off his shoulders; no longer does he have to be chase after deadlines, or burn the midnight night oil for his exams, or do any tutorials and project work anymore!

Despite today being his big day, it was also a day of unfortunate events as well. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong for both of us and those who are connected to me via social sites would know that it was probably the worse day ever. Sigh!

Regardless of the several hiccups and a bad decisions resulting in unfortunate circumstances. Dear and I ended the day on a good note. Thank God!

Sigh! What a day of ups and downs! Nonetheless, I'm really glad that he graduated!

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