
Choices Film Show


I am excited that Yuzheng and Jairus are coming later for the film show - Choices. I have taken the first step in asking Lord, now let Your spirit work in them. I really hope that Yuzheng will get saved, he is at that line before God, all he needs to do is just to reach out. And to all those out there who are still procrsstinating, there is NO time left. He is coming back, and it is going to be realit is going to be SOON. Sigh, the truth is so simple, but since long ago even when Jesus came to earth, people have rejected the truth, they have rejected him. Their stubborn nature? Disbelief? Pride? Procrastination? I don't bother to know what excuses they have to reject the truth, but I know that despite that.. Jesus loves them, as much as He loves me. Thank you Jesus.

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