
My Security


All seemed to turn out well when I met up with you today. The usual, you made me laugh, you did the thing you always do -- your MOJO! I am glad that I could laugh and be myself today, and not entertain silly, negative, unrealistic thoughts in which I call lies of the devil.

Father, in this period of time, I really wish You can be more tangible in my life. You created my hands for a reason, not only to play the piano, but take my hands and DRAG me along. I am weary, sick and tired of studying, I need Your rest. What makes things worse is that my mind runs wild with thoughts that I know are not true, thoughts that tempt me to be bitter and angry and paranoid. I know I should not entertain such thoughts but I struggle because I lack the strength to shake those thoughts off my head. Help me Lord to live my life and to live for You. Give me strength to carry the cross and glorify Your name in all that I do. When I look at myself, I see the weaknesses and brokeness in me. Then I look to You, because that is when I know I need You more. I must decrease and You must increase

Thank You Lord for creating me as who I am, moulding me through Your Refiner's fire to be more like You. My name is Grace - Your unmerited on my life, a favour I do not deserve. Thank You Jesus for preserving me thus far. You never gave me up, You never let me go.

Men have failed me, disappointed me, hurt me. But I know You won't and never will. That is why I place my securities in You Lord

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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