Just when I was sulking about not having my donut this week, aunty Dolly was genorous enough to buy donuts as refreshments after church! God must really know my heart's desire to even answer such small prayers! :) Though the donuts were not the usual that I craved for.. But donuts are nice no matter how they look or taste! All donuts from the donut family are nice yummilicious food!
Hmm, the one week holidays are here. Not in the mood of course, I mean.. prelims are still round the corner? Really can't wait for prelims and A levels to be over and done with.. then I shall be freed. Even so, when I look back at what God has done in my life, and how much He has pulled me through this 2 years especially, my heart overwhelms with thanksgiving and praise.
Because I know that He holds my tomorrow and He holds my hands.
How precious it is to be loved by a king that humbled Himself to the cross and died for us when we were unworthy, sinners - basically a wretch. Why must He die? Yes we didn't ask Him to, but He died because He loved us and knew that if He didn't, we would all PERISH and live a life that is meaningless and purposeless - A road we blindly walk to the streets of hell. Therefore, one can reject the truth that He died, or reject His love due to unbelief, but that doesn't mean God will love one lesser. How precious it is to know that God loves us, so so much, He wants us to have a relationship with us. He created us with a free mind, free will and a CHOICE so that we can either commune with Him or walk away.
Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship.
I am elated to know that I have a Father who loves me so, whose Name heals, brings peace, brings hope, saved me from the miry clay, gave me salvation, is praised and adored by the angels, is glorious, majestic, filled with honour, alpha and omega, beginning and the end, has the power to save, a strong a mighty tower, a refuge like no other.. He is who I call Aba Father. Amen.
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