
Music, My Life


Tears of thanksgiving and and gratitude to the One that bestowed upon me His gifts and talents. Tears of joy, and more tears of thanksgiving.

It might seem ridiculous to be this emotional with tears welling up in my eyes in the middle of SIM's library. But honestly, I don't care. My soul and my heart is overwhelmed with unspeakable joy and thanksgiving to God for being faithful in answering such a simple prayer (in fact it was more of a thought than a prayer). It all started out when I stumbled upon a classified ad 4 days ago which says:

Experienced Singer/Pianist wanted. Please email (email address given)

And instantly, something struck me. I have always been passionate in the music I play because I know that God gave me these hands and fingers for a reason. Morever, it was so DIFFICULT and UNUSUAL to find an ad amongst the rest of the temporary/permanent and others section that wants "Experienced pianist."

Though I know that the experience I have might not be comparable with many talented pianists out there that perhaps has a degree or graduated with Honours from some prestigious Music School. Still, it was as if the words in the ad jumped out and possessed my brain and heart. I really want to get a job that not only has a good pay, relevant work experience but most importantly one that is close to my heart.

Alas I submitted my resume and wasn't really expecting anything but in my heart I just whispered to God how good it would be if I had that job. This morning they replied me, thanking me for my resume and would call me if I was selected. Oh well I was alright about that (as I said I don't expect much), but THEY JUST CALLED ME AND ASKED IF I COULD PLAY JAZZ AND CONTEMPORARY. I said yeah of cos and THEY WANT ME TO GO FOR AN AUDITION next week! What are the odds of the doors of oppurtunities and coincidences opening just like that!? All I can think of is God.

Dear Jesus, thank You for everything you've given me, especially this gift and talent of music. If it's Your will Lord please guide me through this audition. You know how nervous I can get when I am playing music that is not for You. May Your favour be upon me, may Man's favour be upon me. Let Your will be done in my life. Forgive me if I haven't trusted You enough, when I am little in faith, when I doubt Your faithfulness in my life. Now I know that I am so wrong, I can only marvel at Your works and Your sovereignty. Open my eyes to the work of Your hand. My faith has been restored Lord. Thank You for all You've done!

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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