Did a research on pms, realised that 80% of women in the world are facing this issue, with different degree of course. And guess what, there are 150 emotional and physical symptoms of PMS.
Should I say amazing? NAH, its disgusting. Take me for example, I suffer from acute menstual cramps - So bad that the doctor prescribes painkillers. Mind you, the common pink tablet as they call it the menstual pandadol doesn't work on me at all. But I take comfort because those who suffer extreme and super duper painful menstual cramps like me will go through childbirth like a breeze! :)
Still, childbirth? Ewww, after knowing the knowledge of how-the-doctor-gets-the-baby-out, childbirth irks me, ok at least it scares me.
Grace's list of PMS symptoms
1. Sudden overwhelming fatigue
2. Sudden increase/decrease in appetite
3. Craving for SWWWEEEETTTT food
4. Snaps with a snap
5. Less smiles :(
6. Giddy spells ( I'm anaemic.)
7. Lazy
With that being said, to all men out there who have sisters, mothers, wives or girlfriends,
Please understand this irritating phenomenon when your darlings get a trip on the emotional and physical roller coaster ride.
Trust me, as much as you hate it, girls hate it too. Unfortunately, it isn't something that can be cured because up to today, the origin of PMS is not known. So..bear with it people. And tips for guys (if your darlings are going through all of the above), pamper her with sugar spice and everything nice. She needs it, and it wouldn't harm your wallets to spurge a lil' more, wouldn't it? :)
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