9th February:
It started with a bad morning :(
Dear had red-itchy-irritated eyes cos he tried re-wearing his contact lens. But I resolved to not let a bad morning affect the rest of my day! Thus we made our way to the monorail station at Vivocity which was located on the 3rd storey.
Mann, the monorails are seriously cool. Yall should go and try!

10th February
It felt like any other PLAIN day honestly speaking.
I woke up at 11am and felt really satisfied though my body was achy and my nose was leaky from the horrible and infectious flu :(
Went down to church for band practice and youth, followed by pre-reunion dinner with grannies and relatives. Despite the mundanity of the day, samuel and esther managed to surprise me with a chocolate cake that was bought by them, weston and christine. HAHA thanks guys for everything! Thanks to meldred for that 'interesting' gift and that familiar tasting donut! Thanks to aunty serene for that cute Minnie Mouse sequined shirt. Lastly, thanks to all that sent me sms and wrote testimonials to wish me Happy Birthday :)

Oh did I mention that dear bought for me a set of Altec Lansing AT3 speakers? Damn awesome.
Thank you darling for everything, from the sentosa trip to the speakers, every little detail.. It really made my 19th birthday memorable :) Love.
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