Not too long ago, (just before dear cut his hair) Rachel shoved dear a bottle of hair dye and told him to try it out since no one in the family wanted to try.
Well being the 'adventurous' Lionel, he wanted to try but he took some time to PROCRASTINATE and played scissors, paper and stones to decide whether he should dye his hair. :D Anyway Rachel and I psycho-ed him into 'highlighting' his hair and dear finally agreed! This is the part that gets tough.
I put on the rubber gloves that were given in the box, took out the mixtures and poured into the bottle given and started mixing. Poor dear, sat on the toiletbowl like a duck LOL! Well, I tried my best to 'streak' his hair with those big rubber gloves and after leaving it on for 20 mins and washing it off, the results could be seen under strong light :)
Check out how his current hair!

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