Went out with dear today to make full use of the Billy Bombers coupon that ends today.Went shopping after that but we didn't buy anything.
We then made our way to buy tickets for 'Ghost Rider' which starts at 1600. Guess what? We had 2 hours to kill so dear's eye twinkled at the sight of the bowling alley. HAHA the sporty devil in him unleashed as he decided to play 4 games alone because I SERIOUSLY CAN'T BOWL FOR NUTS. I WILL BE AN EMBARRASSMENT :(
Yup so dear was trying to perfect his curve skills. Though I agree with him that curving the ball is nice and challenging, it is damn difficult ok? And all the suspense it gives when the bowling ball rolls to the edge of the drain then suddenly changes its course. For me, I'm contented with my TABLE TENNIS ball already :)

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