Schedules, work, life, and everything else has become so routine, it frustrates me. Seriously.
I couldn't explain the feeling I had during prayer meeting today. It was a mix of emotions - anger, tiredness, rashness, mambo jambo, entangled, estrangled, oppressed and blah blah. I finally knew the answer to my feelings, I finally knew why I felt the way I did.
Let me try to explain..
We are all familiar with the story of Mary and Martha in the bible right? Well, Martha was the one who kept herself busy with the things of the house, trying to entertain Jesus and be a good host. Mary on the other hand, sat at the feet of Jesus and listen to Him.
But both loved Jesus.
Martha: " Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!"
Jesus: "Martha, Martha.. you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."
Yes, I feel like Martha. Doing all those stuff for Jesus, loving him, yet Jesus actually requires us to be still. Then I asked myself how do I be still amongst all the programs that are lined are back to back? I just can't be still and prepare my heart for Him. I feel so fed up when I'm rushing here and there, doing so many things (for Jesus) but yet I can't settle down and be still! I guess I actually have to learn how, cos if I don't, I'll just crumble one day.
Did you notice how both Mary and Martha loved Jesus and expressed their love differently, yet Jesus wanted us to sit down at his feet, just like Mary did? Hmmm. Mary 'chose' what is better, which means she could have helped Martha with the housechores, but instead, she sat at Jesus's feet.
I must decide to be still and sit at Jesus's feet.
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