
The One About Cramps


Today was the most unglam day of my life. Things happened so fast, before I knew it, I hit the floor.

You must be wondering what on earth happened. Here goes:

It all started when I was in the church, helping out with painting the storeroom. But since the guys are doing it, I washed & scrubbed the chairs instead. Soon an hour and a half past and Jeremy joined me in washing the chairs and I decided to take a short break. That was when things turned topsy turvy.

The moment I stop and relax, I felt discomfort in my stomach and at once, I knew that it was this familiar feeling I had the past few times after running my 2.4 km, which caused me severe diarrhoea until I lay weak on the floor, overwhelmed with fatigue, pain and cold sweat. Anyway, I quickly sat down on the bench and grope my stomach. However as the cramps start to get more painful, my stomach ache didn't subside. In fact it got a whole lot worse :(

I struggled to drag myself in the toilet, as my legs already left me wobbly and weak. Once in the toilet, I just answered the call of nature and started perspire cold sweat profusely. Before I knew it, I was soaking wet with my own sweat and as I peeked into the mirror, my face had already turned pale. Sorry, pale is an understatement. White would be the word.

About 10-15 mins in the toilet, it soon began to feel humid and stuffy. Then again, I gathered whatever strength I had and pull of my shorts and grope out of the toilet. Thank God I met Auntie Helen outside the toilet door and I just asked her in my weakest voice for hot water, more hot water. The pain came back and I was back in the toilet. Continued with another episode of stomach aches and 'unloading' in the toilet but this time round, I had no more strength. All I could do was pull of my shorts, open the toilet door and drop on the floor in exhaustion and weakness. Auntie Helen quickly came to me and asked me what happened. I didn't even have the strength to reply her. All I said was "Hot water, more hot water. Call Lionel." She did so and dear appeared soon.

To cut the long story short, dear carried me up to the second floor and place me in the youth room to rest. There, esther and jialing then attended to me. Unfortunately, the pain didn't stop there even after eating 2 painkillers for my cramps. I laid on the carpet squirming and moaning with pain, crying out to Jesus in my mind to heal me, to save me. Then my eyes started to get droopy and there was darkness.

Scary huh :(

I really hate my cramps. I hate it I hate it I hate it.
The first question I'm definitely going to ask Jesus is why do I have to suffer such severe effects of Menstruation such as backaches, nausea, appetite changes, mood changes and BAD CRAMPS. Why can't I just be in the happier majority of women who do not suffer the severity of cramps like mine? And as much as I want to trust that God's ways are higher than my ways, this question would never fail to repeat itself in my head every month.

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