Happy New Year to all! Man, it just seems like 2007 whizzed past me amongst my daily routine and busyness. So here comes 2008, and I'm still lost to what's going to happen in my future.
God, I need Your spirit's guidance, I need Your leading. Please bring me back to You. Please come close to me once more. I want a personal experience with You again. Come Lord, Jesus Come..
This year's New Year Celebration was indeed different and interesting. We had a thanksgiving dinner instead of the usual countdown service in church. Well if you ask me, I would still prefer the more homely ambience and the countdown traditions we used to have every year ha! The thanksgiving dinner service was good, however the food took ages to come and the portions were small. Youths being big appetite hungry ghosts, we headed for supper. Most of us split up to our own cliques and had our own agendas. Dear, Me, Weston, Christine, Dorena, Alex and Ziyang headed off to Macdonalds at Liang Court for some supper. When it was finished, it was already 11.55? We resolved to not count down in Macdonalds, so we headed off the streets in hope that we can have a quick glimpse of the claimed 8 minutes fireworks at Marina Bay. Pffft! Needless to say, we couldn't head there in time and ended up counting down on the streets :( It was a new experience and a breath-taking one too. It certainly wasn't because of the awfully packed people partying on the streets, people randomly spraying things at other people, or the booming noises from all the different pubs. It was because I couldn't believe that 2008 is here and 2007 has just gone by.
As I stood by the riverside at Clarke Quay with the ground and I becoming one, (as I embraced the breath-taking moment) dear came and give me a hug to wish me Happy New Year. Sweet moment in time, I would say :)
Having nothing else to do, we went to Weston's Place (cos the guys wanted to play Play Station 3) where Ruth and Daniel joined us. Ruth and I couldn't stand the fatigue so we slowly dozed off until 3 plus, where we headed home.
I had a tough time going home though, because 2 NR7 buses (that could take me directly home) literally drove past me because it was just too packed and the bus drivers didn't bother to stop. Gah! So I just boarded whatever bus that was in my area, so I hopped onto N7, which took me to Bedok Interchange. However, there wasn't any other transport to my house except Taxi. Reluctantly, I flagged a taxi and the bill came up to $9.80. Shucks. Bloodsuckers!
All in all, the New Year is good still :)
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