
The One About The Bike


As most of you would have known and seen by now, dear got his bike. He's happy of course, but to the rest, it's a worry. I know what you might say, it's dangerous, it's unsafe, the accident rates blah blah.. that we jolly well know. But rest assured, he's a safe driver and I can vouch to that. On top of that, there is a reasonable and valid reason for this bike, it is more convenient for him to drive from work to school and vice versa.

So I hope yall can uphold us in prayers, for our safety, for journey mercies. After all, no matter how safe we can be, motorcyclists are always on the vulnerable and losing end.

Oh you know what the amazing thing is, my parents didn't blow up at all. In fact, dad was more concerned with the reason why dear got his bike. But I'm glad dad called dear up (because it was raining heavily in the east and he thought I was riding with him) and talked about safety and stuff. Dad sounded nice, he didn't say no to me riding with him, he just emphasized alot of safety and dear assured dad repeatedly about how he doesn't weave or squeeze through traffic, or speed. I'm glad they talked, because communication is always the beginning of something brewing.

Above all, I also want to thank God that everytime we ride or he rides, it doesn't rain. Even with dark clouds or grey skies potraying an impending rain, we still manage to get through to our destinations without going through rain. I hope it stays that way though, it would be good :)

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