I always thought that Singapore was a boring place, with a boring night life. But after our night walk from Esplanade towards Fullerton yesterday, my my! It's really nice at night! Boy, the lights just so beautiful! :)
Fullerton Hotel, taken from the roof of Esplanade
Our nights out! :)
Look at that! The city at night!
Sir eL, founded the river.
Madame maggie, calafare. (is that how u spell it?)
More more more!
Anyways, brother Liji approached some of us for his KFC Chicky Club photo shoot in hope to win the prizes. The models (us) didn't hesitate to agree, and we all had so much FUN!

Esther and I, laughing and eating. It's so hard to keep feigning laughter!
(Esther as business woman, and I'm supposedly to be the newscaster)

Vanessa as Rock Chic. Roarrr!

Bernard as Referee! Kayu!

Group shot! HAHA fun fun fun! We ended up eating the KFC chicken. Simply irresistible!
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