
Don't Quit!


While looking at the birds in the sky, I thought of a story:

Once there was a baby bird, who lived high up on a tree. When baby bird was of age, it was time for him to learn to fly. Baby bird stood in a line with the rest of his siblings on the branch, waiting for mummy bird to say "one, two, three, go!" One by one, all his siblings extended their wings, leaped off the branch and flew! Soon it was baby bird's turn so he waited for mummy's bird command. "One, two, three, go!" Baby bird closed his eyes, extended his wings and leaped off the branch. But before baby bird could open his eyes, he landed on the ground with a loud thud! All of baby bird's brothers and sisters laughed at him. From them on, baby bird resolved that he would never learn flying again.

One day as baby bird was walking on the ground, he happened to look up onto one of the trees and there it was, beautiful red berries that made his tummy growl. Baby bird was famished and hence, he decided to climb the trees to eat those beautiful berries. Slowly, he wrapped his wings and started pushing himself up the tree. Slowly, he edged up the tree with all his strength. As baby bird climbed and climbed, he didn't realise that a storm was coming! Little droplets of rain began to fall, and before he knew it, the winds were howling and the rain was pressing on him. Little bird struggled to hold on to the bark of the tree for his dear life. But the winds howled and howled, and baby bird's wings couldn't hold much longer. Alas, baby bird couldn't hold on longer and he let go his hands! The winds blew him higher and higher and baby bird got more and more frightened! At this time, all he could do was to spread his wings and hope that he could fly.. and he did!

Moral: Because of a few failings, we stop trying. But sometimes, it takes a storm to push us to soar. Such is life, you've gotta learn it the hard way.

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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