
The Test


The result - Failed. Reason? Haha I striked a kerb and hence immediate failure. Oh well, I finally empathized with Bernard haha. Nonetheless, I did enjoy myself through the process, it was fun! Thanks for all your prayers people! I wasn't nervous, I was calm, I wasn't distracted, and God really answered all your prayers! Too bad no one prayed that I'd pass.. Ha!

My next test would be September 11, what a memorable day! But this date is subjected to changes cos of school.

Anyway I want to thank God for making a way for me to take the test. I almost couldn't make it due to some documents complication. I'll fill you in if you ask me personally. So thank You Jesus! You made a way again!

I want to thank you dear, for being there for me, and even coming early to 'surprise' me. Your presence was indeed comforting and assuring. Thank you for being there and helping me to get my documents done as well. Thank you for waiting, thank you for cheering me up!

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