
To-Do List


For some strange reason, I was convicted in my heart to write out this to-do list while dad was driving home from church yesterday. What made this to-do list even more different than other lists is that, I was determined to make it come to pass.

To Do # 1:
Start Writing a Bible Journal
This idea was introduced by Van during one of the band devotions. It is based on 4 alphabet as abbreviations -

S (Scripture): Pick a scripture while reading the Word
O (Observation): What do you observe from this scripture?
A (Application): How can you apply it in your life?
P (Prayer): Make this scripture a prayer!

To Do # 2:
Ask God for an Extreme Makeover
I guess this is a constant thing we should be doing because our ultimate aim is to be more like Christ yea?

To Do #3:
Begin Healthy Habits
This would be tough because we humans are just lazy asses. Ha! But I figured we have to start somewhere in our life to make a choice! And since we are habitual creatures, healthy habits would make us healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually right?

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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