
Happy Birthday Auntie!


Viola!~ Here are some pictures from Sakura :) The food was alright, company was good, cake was good, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself heh :)

Too bad I didn't take more food pictures than I should cos it would just be so weird, taking shots while people are eating.. not a very good impression either lol.

Here are some food pictures and evidences of a fun filled dinner :)

Oh by the way, the cake is heavenly. Serious. Complete chocolate filled with berries and fruits above a thin crust of what seems like biscuit. Thank God the family likes it (I think!)

After all the food and fun, dear and I went to Mustafa Centre to get his horn. Ha I've been teasing him to get those musical horns, much more like the ones shown in Meet the Fockers. Ha but of course he's getting quite a loud one to 'warn' others when they are getting too close for comfort. With his current horn, sounds more like a bee buzz and road users don't take that seriously :(

Putting the horn-search aside, I have decided that Mustafa Centre is the next good thing to shop around!
I mean, its open 24 hours, it has a huge variety of stuff, and its relatively cheap. But of course I can't stand the smell (of the shopping centre, hey! what were you thinking heh) and the inconsiderate people that hog the roads nearby and think that their grannies own it. Tsk. Other than that, it's really a great place to shop!


I've been kinda sluggish at work, especially with yesterday being a Monday. All the monday blues and the aftermath an action-packed camp and memorable fishing trip began to set in. My work pace was slow and more or less reluctant, and it was literally a drag to start up my cold engine. Just then, Meldred sent me an email about 'How to stay motivated even when you're tired" and I was like "God, you must be kidding me." It was like an encouragement from God sent by Meldred! So Mellie, thanks for dropping off that email :) It certainly spurred me on a little bit more heh.

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