Ok this speaks to majority of the women so boys, cover your eyes! Guys with girlfriends, listen up as well!
I am a victim of severe menstrual cramps. Usually, the only way that can soothe my pain would be painkillers. Not just normal Menstrual Panadol, but really heavy painkillers that might be even too heavy for the stomach. I don't really care, as long as the pain goes away but I have resolved to not rely on painkillers if there are alternatives available.
So with the power of google, here are some stuff that could help you ladies:
Cramping painful monthly disturbance for many women. Ways to combat pain associated with menstruating, such as working out, foods, getting a massage, or a bubble bath.

1) What you eat will contribute to how you feel. When you have your period, your stomach often feels like it’s been tied in knots and thrown down a laundry chute, so you probably won’t feel like eating very much at all. However, an empty stomach is only going to aggravate your symptoms further. You have to eat; Caffeine is a big no-no for cramps, so forget about that cup of coffee.

2) While there is a little caffeine in chocolate, many experts have said that eating a little chocolate when you experience cramps can help to alleviate them. That doesn’t mean you should run out to the gas station for a king-sized chocolate bar, but eating ten Hershey Kisses could make you feel a whole lot better – and you get to eat chocolate. Avoid foods that are acidic, such as tomatoes or citrus fruits. Try eating cereals, breads, and other mild foods of that nature, such as crackers, rice cakes, or some brown rice.

3) Every woman deserves some pampering, especially during “that time of the month.” Taking a warm bubble bath can really relax your cramps. Play some relaxing, soft music or even a “sounds of nature” CD, draw a warm bath, add some scented bubbles, such as vanilla, chamomile, or lavender, and just take a relaxing soak for at least twenty minutes. Close your eyes, and do your best not to let stressful thoughts enter your mind during this relaxation time. A massage, either from a loved one or from a professional, can greatly reduce your menstrual pains, so don’t be afraid to ask for one – or to treat yourself and go pay for a really, really good one. If you go to a professional masseuse, don’t be embarrassed to tell him or her that you have your period – they will be able to focus in on spots on your body that are most affected by menstruating.

4) Exercise might be the last thing you would consider doing when you are “feeling menstrual,” but it has been proven that it can help reduce your cramps. If you do not exercise regularly, the prospect of getting physical with cramps may sound very daunting. However, even if you aren’t a workout-enthusiast, you can reap the rewards of these cramp-stopping techniques.
(Source from here)
Well, I haven't tried all of the above, only getting a massage from a loved one :) But if it works for you, then hooray! In retrospect, here's a little publicity for what I think it's really good.

Yup! Kotex Ultrathin! You all should try it some time soon, because it's really dry, clean, and comfortable! Best of all, it absorbs 2 times faster (than most ultrathin pads) ! I wish I could embed the video of the absorbency test here, unfortunately I can't. So click here to see how absorbent it really is!
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