We all know that it is normal for our stomach to growl when we are hungry right? Interestingly, there is more behind it!
I stumbled across this website while google-ling "Why does my stomach make so much noise" because recently, I was embarrassed by the sudden growls and funny noises that my stomach makes during meetings, when talking to people etc.. It normally starts off with a rumble, then a quick "rawgh" when my stomach churns, then little noises that follow after. This usually happens when I am hungry (I'm not even talking about super hungry) but recently, these noises have increased! Worried, embarrassed and confused, I did the normal thing by searching the net first before consulting a doctor. So here goes:
It has been long known that when your stomach "growls," it means your hungry. Well, there’s more behind it.
"A hormone called ghrelin stimulates appetite and makes your stomach growl."
The hormone ghrelin is secreted by the stomach and its functions include hunger on a time-based schedule. It signals to you when you are hungry and when you are not. The amazing part about this hormone’s schedule is that it directs you to meal time without you even knowing it. For the normal person, it will recognize that you are hungry in the morning, a few hours later for lunch, a few hours later for dinner, and maybe a snack later on. So in order to tell you that your hungry and send the proper notifications throughout the body, your stomach will start to growl.
Now ultimately, this isn’t good. If you wait until your stomach starts growling, then you’re waiting too long between meals. Your body is running out of calories (fuel) to burn and will start to eat at itself. This turns into catabolism. In contrast to anabolism, where your body is burning necessary calories as fuel for the body, the body doesn’t have anything to burn, so it goes into catabolic mode. That’s why anorexic people are always referred to as being catabolic, because their bodies have eaten away at themselves. Bodybuilders seem to experience ghrelin calling more than just three times a day.
Aha! That explains why the loss of weight and mass over the years! My stomach has been eating itself! Wow. I didn't know that my stomach was barbaric.
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