Yesterday was a long and action packed day throughout because a group of us gave Sam a surprise farewell party! Credits go to Esther and Auntie Nancy for organizing this. Boy! My hats go off to those who were in the distraction party, those that "acted" really well, and those that helped play along by keep mum about this "secret"!
I wish I could elaborate the details further but gosh! So much action and fun went on that I don't really know where to start! I guess, let the pictures do the talking ya? (Pardon some of the pictures that don't look well, just got Jeremy's camera yesterday and off I went shooting pictures without much knowledge of using the camera!)
Click on Sam's face to see the rest of the pictures !

Note: The pictures are in a group album, so anyone with pictures on that day can contribute as well? Drop me a tag if you do contribute some of the pictures from your cam!
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