
Furama Riverfront


Last saturday, my family, grandparents, uncle and his girlfriend went for a buffet dinner at The Square - Furama Riverfront. I'm not quite certain what the occasion was, but I'm sure no one can resist having good meal, especially when you are not the one paying!

The Vibe
It is difficult to ignore the classy feel of the restaurant which is obvious the moment you step in. Though not as chic as a fine dining restaurant, The Square @ Furama does have an air of sophistication to it, with large glass windows that let in lots of natural sunlight in the daytime. As with most hotel buffet restaurants, there is an open concept kitchen so you can watch the talented chefs in action. With a bustling lunch crowd that includes people from all walks of life, The Square comes across as a popular place for hotel guests and the general public alike.

The Menu
The buffet spread is vast. Fusing Western styled dishes with an Asian twist, diners can expect a selection that includes yummy favourites including sushi, assorted cold cuts, tempura and Chinese style dishes. Not only that, but the dessert section is simply to die for, boasting a wide variety of pastries and cakes, a chocolate fountain and a range of decadent ice-cream to appeal to the kid in all of us.

The Service
At The Square @ Furama, the wait staff cannot be faulted. Their friendly smiles and accommodating demeanors make dining here comfortable and fun. Dishes are replaced at appropriate intervals and should you require recommendations, the servers are more than happy to help.

A poster display for The Square @ Furama
Fish Head Bee Hoon with Wine Broth
Satay Chicken with peanut sauce
Chinese Cold Dish
My favourite Chocolate Fondue!
Chocolate Ice-cream with rainbow rice

As you can see, I was so busy eating that there simply wasn't enough time for pictures! Nevertheless, I still manage to take some quick shots of my family:

Mom and grandmother (dad's mom)
Dad and grandfather (dad's dad)
Brother and I
Uncle and girlfriend, Coco

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