
Sunday Shots


I love Sundays! It seems like sundays are the only time to literally chill out after church services, hang around, shop, talk, chat, and breathe normally as compared to the rest of the busy busy week!

To some, they might prefer Saturdays but oh no, saturdays are usually packed with church activites. So here is what a typical Sunday is like for me:

Waiting for the youths to decide where to eat. (This normally takes a really long time ha!)
Me taking random shots of the little baby Lukas. I bet Lukas must be wondering why there were so many giants standing beside him
This would be a classic child's question of "Where did I come from Mum?"
Lil' Lukas running to his own world
Bonding moments
Little tickles to make the little one happy!
Exhausted from running around and chasing the wind
Taking pictures while still waiting to find out where we should head off for lunch
The TAN sisters!

(We finally decided on Plaza Singapura for KFC)

Dear taking huge mouthfuls of succulent meat!
Sister Ivy, still looking good despite a sneak shot!
Ahhhhh! Fried and crispy Kentucky's Fried Chicken!

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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