
Bluetooth Mouse


Each time I receive a surprise, it brings back the wonder of a child in me, it makes me shriek like a little girl that has just received her very first barbie doll, and somehow in that moment of glee, it seems as if tons of fireworks are quietly exploding in my head.

Being one that finds joy in giving surprises to others and hoping in silence to be surprised as well, I often buy little gifts for others to put a smile on their face and hope it makes their day. Unfortunately, this is not mutual or rather, I give more than I receive. Nothing wrong with that and I am not complaining either. Furthermore, Jesus often speak of how it is more blessed to give than to receive, so I am really contented in just blessing others and making them smile.

However, dear managed to surprise me on Friday night by buying a Bluetooth Mouse as a reward for passing my driving test, and as a way of showing his heartfelt appreciation to me! Haha a touching moment yet funny how a simple gift sends my happy hormones sky-rocking to cloud nine. Now it's my turn to treat him to a fancy dinner to thank him for sponsoring my driving test. Thank you dear for your lovely surprise!

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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