
Driver Leong


This time round, I was more nervous than my previous driving test. I could hear my heart thumping in my head, sweat trickling down my temples and the light subtle trembles in my hands. Trust me, having your driving test at 2pm in the afternoon with the scorching sun and an aching left knee doesn't help at all. Anway, the driving test comprises of 2 parts:

Here is where you go through various obstacles that test your steering, judgement and parking skills! Previously, I failed because I strike the kerb twice while doing my 3 point turn. This time round, I brushed the kerb while doing my S-course, and MOUNTED the kerb while doing my vertical parking. At this point of time, I was so dejected and disheartened that I really had this impulse to step out of the car and end my test. But I didn't, I continued with the rest of the circuit, sucking in all my despair.

Upon completion of the circuit, we have to drive on the route that we have balloted before the test. Here, you will be accessed by how you handle road conditions, how you do a u-turn, how you change lanes etc.. Thank God I managed to get an easier route! Phew! After the route, I had to return back to the driving centre to find out the verdict of the test.

As I waited for the tester to come out from the toilet, my head was just filled with plans about the next driving test, the amount of money I have to spend and so on.. Then the tester came out from the toilet, guided me back to the room with little brown cubicles where we sit on opposite sides as he start to unveil the results.

Tester: "You passed."
(I looked up, on the verge of tears because I thought he was joking)
Me: "Huh?"
(Tester started flipping the test checklist and began counting the points. He then takes out a ruler, ticked on the box beside the word PASS, and striked off FAIL)

Yeah I know, I don't know how I passed too. I shouldn't have passed after all that's happen with the kerb. But I know God is a God of miracles! Thank God for His mercy and help! Thank you dear for sponsoring my driving test as well! Congrats to Christine for passing her driving test too! What a miraculous day!

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