

Please tell me, what will you do if you were me in this situation?

I boarded the train this morning and thankfully, there were seats available so I sat down and took out my bible to read since it was going to be a long ride. At one of the stops, a lady boarded the train, and did the most ridiculous thing!

She entered the train door, saw that there was SOME space in between me and the lady sitting beside, looked at me with a smug on her face, walked to me slowly with eyes still fixed on the small space between me and the lady beside.. and she squeezed to sit in between us! To be precise, this lady squeezed more towards my side than the lady sitting beside.

In shock, I glared at her with the bible still in my hands. Neither did I know what to do nor leave my seat. I remembered staring at the bible, with my blood boiling with anger and then, I grabbed my bag with my free hand, stood up in the center of the train, dumped my bag on the floor with a "thwark!", and continued staring in the bible. I wasn't reading the bible at this point of time, I just needed to focus on an item as the raging hormones propel my thoughts of angst toward a string of rants and grumbles in my head. Finally I kept my bible, crossed my arms, frowned and thought to myself "How would I react if I wasn't a Christian?"

With no answer to my rhetorical question, I heaved a sigh of relief that at least I didn't explode in rage.

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Hello I'm Grace! This site contains snippets of daily living, and the random ramblings of a young adult. Read More..

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