
Annual Anniversaries


Not too long ago, I remembered one of my colleagues ranting about how he doesn't see the point of anniversaries. It was quite hilarious hearing him rant to himself and it went some sort like this:

"How? Tomorrow is my anniversary and I still haven't got anything! Why should we have anniversaries anyway? Shouldn't we be grateful by simply knowing that we are still around for each other? .. Anything more than $5 I can't afford!"

It's funnier if you hear it from the horse's mouth yourself and if you are reading this, I'm sorry to use your quote but I need to make a point here.

What my colleague said struck me for a while, and it somehow made some sense. Perhaps that explains why I do not see the need to "accessorize" anniversaries and valentines day with gifts, flowers, and a candle light dinner. Probably to those who have a gene pool full or romantic cells, gifts are a must, flowers are mandatory, and a nice expensive candle light dinner is a closing bang of the day. Well, as much as one is entitled to their own perspectives and expectations, I beg to differ. I believe that anniversaries are just another day which you celebrate every year till probably.. death do us part. In saying this, I do not mean to say that anniversaries should be taken lightly of, but what I mean is, anniversaries are not about gifts alone! It certainly isn't a time to find an excuse to exploit your boyfriend/husband for that something you have been wanting him to get all this while.

For me, I have celebrated anniversaries plainly because for the earlier few years, dear and I have never been able to be in Singapore on the day itself. Either I'm on holiday, or he is on mission trip, or we both are on youth camps (which was quite a long time ago) Only in the recent years, we managed to celebrate our anniversary. But even so, we don't eat expensive food or buy gifts because money plays a big part as well. However even if I could afford it, my ideal way of spending my anniversary would be doing something together and having fun! Eg: A romantic getaway, going for fish spa together, having a picnic, watching the sunset etc.. so you can see I'm more for places and fun than gifts and nice flowers.

Still, these are just my thoughts. Perhaps unlike majority of the girls/woman, I'm weird.

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