This is what I call a fashion mis-fit! Haha I can't believe I actually wore this to school! Hmmm, I wonder why this sudden deviation from the usual jeans and tank tops..
White top (no brand): $6
Puma Bag: $39
Black Bermudas: $15
Spongebob Shoes: Hand-made
School has been great, totally love my teachers! Friends have been coming by as well, thank God for that! There is a particular person whom I am inspired by in class. He is a Malay but I found out that he is a Christian! I gave him a pat on the back, huge handshake, wide grin and said "Wow! Awesome!" He's 18 years of age, but he reminds me of Isaiah from Cornerstone. Unfortunately, I haven't managed to talk to him much yet.
Wow. Truly, every nation, tribe, and tongue will know that He is God!
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